Oakton DO 6+ Meter
Compact and economical – rugged rubber boot protects meter. 0.00 to 20.00 mg/L (ppm) range. 0.0 to 200.0% saturation range.
No meter warm-up required – The galvanic probe design lets you take measurements immediately without the typical 15 minute wait.
Easy to service, low maintenance probe – Replacement membrane cap assembly makes probe maintenance hassle-free! Simply fill cap with electrolyte solution and screw on.
Key in salinity and pressure values manually – meter then calculates the offset value for increased accuracy.
Independent 100% and zero adjustment calibrations – Gives meter high accuracy across entire measuring range.
Offset adjustment capabilities – calibrate your meter to a known work standard or titrimetrically determined value.
Displays electrode diagnostics – Gives slope, zero offset, and millivolt values to help determine when you need to service or replace electrode.
Easily toggle from mg/L (ppm) or % saturation to temperature mode.
Built-in stand for benchtop or long-term use.